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Which recipe sites can I clip from?

You can clip recipes from any recipe site or blog that is in English. Clipping will also work for non-English sites if they use either microformatting or microdata.

Here are some tips:

  • The recipes that clip the best are the ones that look like, well, recipes. That is, it works best if there is a list of ingredients and instructions. Recipes (like this one) that are more like stories, with a lot of conversational text, might not import as cleanly. You can still clip those recipes, but you may have to clean them up a bit.
  • Make sure that the ingredients and steps are on the same page.
  • If you find that your recipe is missing a lot of steps or ingredients, here are some things to try:
    • If there is a print version of the recipe, try clipping that instead.
    • If you are on a mobile site, see if you can find the same recipe on the desktop version of the site.
  • If you are looking at a recipe that requires you to be signed in, use ChefTap’s in-app browser. To open the in-app browser, tap the green (+) button in the lower right corner of the main recipe list.
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