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Meal Types Settings (names, colors and more)

You can have as many or few meal types as you like. For example, you might only want to plan dinners, or you might want a “Morning Snack” meal type. If you like to make things ahead of time, you might want a meal type called “Make-Ahead” so that you can plan recipes for the day that you will cook them.

To edit your meal types:

  1. On the Plan tab, tap the menu icon in the upper right corner.Edit Meal Types
  2. Select Edit Meal Types
  3. Tap on any meal type to edit the name, change the color or delete it.

Other settings include the following:

  • To set the meal type that is pre-selected for new meals, use the Default Meal Type dropdown.
  • Drag and drop the meal types into the order that you want them to appear on the agenda view.
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