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Add Items to Staples or Favorites

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There are several ways you can add items to your Staples and Favorites lists.

Type the name of the product at the top of the list

  1. At the top of the list, tap Add Item and begin typing. ChefTap will suggest products based on what you have added in the past.
  2. To add an item from your history list, tap the clock icon.
  3. To add from the items on your Favorites list, tap the heart icon.
  4. To add from the items on your Staples list, tap the salt shaker icon.

From an item on one of your grocery lists

  1. Tap on an item to expand it.
  2. To add to Staples, tap the salt shaker icon in the toolbar.
  3. To add to Favorites, tap the heart icon in the toolbar.

From other lists

From either the Staples, Favorites or History list:
  1. Tap items to select them.
  2. To add to Staples, tap the salt shaker icon in the toolbar.
  3. To add to Favorites, tap the heart icon in the toolbar.
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